While getting some baked goods from Madeline's, I was wondering why the procession of Retired Lt. Gary McNeal was taking such a long time. I wasn't alone. West Jefferson Main Street was lined with flag waving supportive mourners wondering the same thing. The following is the Mayor's report provided by Chief of Police, Chris Floyd:
On Thursday, May 13, 2022, at approximately 2:00PM, the funeral services for Retired Lt. Gary McNeal were just letting out at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, when a local resident attending the services collapsed to the ground. Sgt. Kyle Kauffman, Det. Brandon Smith, and Pleasant Township Fire Fighter Rob Drummond immediately rushed to her side. Finding her not breathing, and with no pulse, Sgt. Kauffman and Det. Smith began performing CPR. This continued for several minutes while the Medic was in route. Just as the medic arrived, the victim began breathing on her own. She was transported to Doctors Hospital, where upon arrival, she was talking and had good vital signs.
If it hadn't been for the fast-lifesaving actions of these three men, the outcome could have been fatal.
The victim was told at the hospital that she had survived a heart attack, caused from blockage that goes down the front of the heart. This type of heart attack is referred to as "The Widow Maker", and according to medical experts, there is approximately 12% survival rate.
This victim is sitting with us tonight, 4 days later, Mrs. Sharon Yoder, the wife of West Jefferson Police Department Auxiliary Darrel Yoder, who was present at the time. Mrs. Yoder is here to thank Sgt. Kauffman and Det. Smith.
We are very proud to present Sgt. Kyle Kauffman, Det. Brandon Smith, and Fire Fighter Rob Drummond, who could not be here tonight, with the West Jefferson Police Department Life Saving Award. This is for being DIRECTLY responsible for the saving of a human life.
Mayor Martin will also be presenting each with the Mayors Challenge Coin, "Mayor Meritorious Services Award".
Chief Christopher A. Floyd
Our Core Values: Respect ~ Integrity ~ Excellence ~ Teamwork