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Council Meeting May 3, 2021

Although there is not a lot of business on the Agenda at this time, the Village has a lot of things on the way.

Maybe you are interested in listening to department reports, would like to put a face to a name, or would like to ask questions. Which ever is the case, please come and participate and get your questions or concerns answered. There will be extra Agendas.

There are construction projects in the works, on going app developments, and donations being made to support our growing Village. Each department head should be there, along with the Mayor, and Council, who are here as genuine servants for you.

It has been awhile, but the meeting location has been moved back to the Council Chambers with the same precautions.

So, the Village Council will meet on May 3, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers.


© 2023 The Village of West Jefferson

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