The 2021 West Jefferson Free Fall Festival
October 23, 6:00-9:00 PM, Rain date is Oct. 31 Garrett Park, Community Center, Hampton Cemetery Sponsored by WJ Parks and Rec.
Haunted Hay Ride Down Sewer Plant Lane and CC Haunted House! A traditionally scary wagon ride. There will be interaction with costumed actors. No one will be allowed off the wagon once the ride starts. Also, a walk through a Haunted House at the Community Center! No one under 12 without an adult.
Haunted Ride Through Hampton Cemetery! A little-bit scary Halloween themed ride for younger kids. Parents must accompany children under 12. Great for ages 7-11!
Family Friendly; all ages! *Trunk-or-Treat! 6-8 pm *Pumpkin Carving Contest; bring your already carved pumpkin for judging! 5:50 pm arrival. *Straw Maze! Mechanical Zombie Bull! *Bon Fire with hot dogs, chips, water and s’mores! Professional Pumpkin Carver!