Two years ago, we were at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, and we were in the midst of lockdowns and cancellations. One year ago, we were dealing with mask mandates, difficulty in getting vaccines, many, many restrictions, and protests around the country. Now, as we enter April, 2022, most of those things are behind us. Masks are optional, places of business, recreation and worship are open and welcoming, and as restrictions have eased, protests have eased as well.
But there is a difference. More people are working from home, some children have stayed home from school, and some businesses are gone, or forever changed. Store shelves are still not 100% full all the time, and some items are much harder to get. Most of us have had to deal with the loss of a beloved family member or friend, or the lingering, physical effects of an illness that has changed the world. Small protests and localized violence have shifted, and the news today is about all-out war.
Our little community is not unaffected by these global events, but we have weathered this storm well. Neighbors have supported each other, and will continue to do so. Our businesses, churches and parks are thriving and vibrant. All local protests were peaceful. I look forward to being able to see you as the weather improves, and out and about. West Jefferson is the greatest hometown around!
Mayor Martin swore in Tyler J. Robinson on March 11, 2022 as our newest Auxiliary Officer. Auxiliary Officers volunteer their time to serve in a variety of ways in the Village, including traffic and crowd control during large events. Officer Robinson plans on attending the Police Academy.
The Public Service Department is continuing the program of alley improvement. Alleys with obvious ruts and extreme wear are being leveled and resurfaced. If you have specific questions about an alley near you, please contact the Public Service Department.
New Flag Drop Box Now Here in WJ Many thanks to Life Scout Brandon Gargac from Scout Troop 104 who coordinated efforts to get a drop-off bin for flags that are ready for retirement and disposal. This will be a wonderful service for our community.
Brothers Eric (8) and Ben (6) Carruthers enjoyed a beautiful sunny day at the new playground area at Garrette Park. Eric Carruthers and aunt Sarah Melfi that the park upgrades ate great. The four took advantage of the beautiful first-day-of- spring weather by going to the park during their homeschool time.
Village Council
Meetings on April 4 and April 18 at Village Hall at
Jefferson Township Board of Trustees
Meetings on April 6 and April 20 at 6:30pm in Township Hall, 225 Cemetery Rd., WJ.
WJ Board of Education
Meeting on April 11,7pm in the WJ High School Auditorium
No School April 15
Planning Commission
Meeting on April 6 at 6:30pm @ the Community Center
Utility Department
Water Bills are due on or before April 15 to avoid late charges.
Parks and Rec
Community Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 16.2022 located at Converse Park.
Tax Department
Special Saturday hours from 9am-noon on April 9th and 16lh. The Tax Dept. WILL BE OPEN April 15, 8am-4:30pm. Taxes are due April 18th.
Check the website for weekly activities and programs,
Special Notice
As of1/1/2022, all landlords are required to register their property with the Village of West Jefferson. Registration forms are available at
For more information contact the Department of Development @ (614) 379-5250 or email us at