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July 6th Virtual Council Meeting

The West Jefferson Village Council will be meeting on

July 6, 2020 to conduct the Council’s Regular Council Meeting. Consistent with the Order and directives from the Director of the Ohio Department of Health and Governor related to COVID-19, and Am.Sub. H.B. 197, this meeting will be conducted virtually. The public is invited to join the virtual meeting by teleconference or video conference using the following information:

Join Zoom Meeting

Dial-In Number: 301-715-8592

Meeting ID: 970 1105 9817

In order to accommodate public participation, anyone wishing to provide comment to Council must notify Clerk of Council, Debbie DiLeo, at 843-412-1727 or no later than Saturday, July 4, 2020.

The Agenda for this meeting will be posted at on

Thursday, July 2, 2020.


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