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School is just around the corner. The first day here in West Jeff is on Wednesday, August 23. We will all need to slow down just a bit, watch out for kids on bikes or walking, and pay close attention to the school buses.

Student athletes are already back to practice, getting ready for their games and competitions to start. We have the opportunity on August 11, right before the Friday Night Uptown (FNU), to be part of a community pep rally for our Roughrider football players before they head to Kile Field for a scrimmage against Circleville at 7pm. This Rider Rally will start at 5:30pm at the FNU stage area. Go Riders!

Our community was just awarded a little over $1 million dollars to update the water lines on Route 40 . This new line will be the main line for service past Taylor Blair, both for residents in Westwood living off of Inwood and Eastgate Roads and the Industrial Park area. The old line will stay in place for a time for backup in the case of an emergency. Having two main lines in this area will help maintain a consistent water supply.

When you get a chance, give a thank you to our firefighters, EMT’s and police officers. National Night Out is August 1, and they will be there to put a face with the uniform, and to help residents, especially kids, connect with them so an emergency situation is a little less traumatic. It is important that we all recognize the valuable service they give us.


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