Mayors Message
What an eventful year 2021 was! When we have a lot going on in our lives it makes us feel alive and prepares us for the times when we have more time to play and enjoy the things we love. A gentleman told me once, “It’s OK to be busy, but when you’re not, enjoy life!”
We have a lot planned for 2022 here in the Village. We are finishing up Garrette Park, and then will be reconstructing Westwood Park’s playground and tennis courts. We will also be doing street reconstruction in the Westchester subdivision that boarders Converse Park. Later this year we will be repainting the water tower at Converse Park, including adding the new Village logo.
Our social activity calendar has been growing over the past few years, and will continue to get even better this year. We will have more Friday Night Uptown events, activities for different holidays and a variety of summer special events.
As mayor, I really want your input, ideas and suggestions. I also welcome your questions and concerns. The more you let me know what you really want, need or see as an issue in our Village, the better I can serve. My direct office number is (614) 879-7674, or the main line is (614) 879-8655, opt. 6, and my cell number is (614) 560-5754.
I am blessed to live in and have the opportunity to serve this wonderful community!
Meet Your New Village Council President
New Village Council President Mike Conway is eager to take a more active role in Council meetings. He told Mayor Ray Martin that he has a lot of ideas and is excited to do more with Council.
President Conway is serving his second elected term on Council. In November, 2019 just before his reelection he said “This Council has been very good at working together, without one individual agenda, to improve and grow the community. That shows in the work they have done.”
Some of President Conway’s stated goals are to continue to support infrastructure of the Village, continue the steady growth of Village commerce, and continue park improvement, all building on the efforts of outgoing President Jen Warner, who will continue to represent Ward 3. Linda Hall was reelected as Council Vice President for 2022.
In their first meeting of 2022, Council approved cash transfers from the general fund for park and street projects this year. Last year, Council approved a major reconstruction of Garrette Park, including new pathway, a shelter house, inclusive playground equipment and new drinking fountains for people and pets. This work will finish sometime in the spring, and be celebrated with a grand reopening.
Slated projects for 2022 that are in the mayor’s budget include Westwood Park’s renovation. In addition to new playground equipment, Westwood tennis and basketball courts are getting a facelift. Converse Park will benefit indirectly by a major reconstruction of roads in the Westchester subdivision including new paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveway approaches.
President Conway is the owner/operator of The X-Terminator, a pest control and wildlife removal service located here in West Jefferson. He receives his B.S. from the University of Michigan, and has coached youth basketball.
Village Council
Meetings on Feb. 7 and Feb. 21 at Village Hall at 7pm.
Jefferson Township Board of Trustees
Meetings on Feb. 10 and Feb. 24 at 6:30pm in Township Hall, 225 Cemetery Rd., WJ.
WJ Board of Education
Meeting on Feb. 14, 7pm in the WJ High School Auditorium
No school Fri., Feb. 14 and Mon., Feb. 21
Planning Commission
Meeting on Feb. 9 at 6:30pm at the Community Center
Utility Department
Water Bills are due on or before Feb. 15 to avoid late charges.
Parks and Rec
Sweetheart Dance for K-5th grade on Feb. 11 from
7-9 pm at the Community Center.
Check the website for weekly activities and programs.
Special Notice
As of 1/1/2022, all landlords are required to register their property with the Village of West Jefferson. Registration forms may be obtained at
For more information contact the Department of Development @ (614) 379-5250 or email us at
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