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Mayor's Message

July brings us the best of summer. The days are long and hot, and pools and grills are all getting a workout. We get to enjoy parades and fireworks, and kids can chase fireflies in the evening and not have to worry about getting up on time for school.

To make things even better, here in the Village our kids have some great programs like Latchkey, Lunch and Learn and all the wonderful activities at the HBMLibrary. Garrette Park’s new updated playground and pavilion are getting lots of use, and the pool is a great place to go to cool off.

Each month of summer, Village Hall hosts Friday Night Uptown, with live music, food trucks and a variety of fun, free activities. This month, the date is July 15, and one of the activities will be Dunk the Mayor, where everyone will have the opportunity to try to send me for a little swim. This will set you back the cost of a donation, but I will try to make it worth your money!

Today, enjoy a popsicle, have a picnic, or just sit on your porch and have a great, West Jefferson summer!

Enterprise Zones and CRA Programs; What’s the Difference?

At the recent Town Hall, the Mayor briefly explained how the Village benefits more from CRA’s and not as much from Enterprise Zones. A CRA is a Community Reinvestment Area, and it is a tool used by our municipality to attract developers and builders by giving them tax incentives to create jobs. Here in West Jefferson, our agreements have been recently modified to benefit the Fire Department during the period of property tax abatement.

Other tax incentives in enterprise zones are available at a lower rate, but with today’s competition, we might not attract desired development. Also, within an enterprise zone, we are limited to certain percentages. Anything beyond those standards requires county approval. It is important to understand that our maximum control over the development is if we use the tools offered by CRA agreements to the best of our advantage like site plan approval and zoning. If we reject a developer that requests annexation, we lose our chance to direct the development of the property in a way that most benefits our community and interests, such as receiving income tax, and negotiating other benefits to the Village, like for entrances and exits onto Rt. 40 that we want to control, and the additional help we have negotiated for the Fire Department.

Please know that if you would like to know more about these incentives and how they work, Mayor Martin is happy to meet with you and explain in more detail with examples of how the CRA incentives aid the Village.

Westwood Park

Plans for new equipment for Westwood Park show two distinct areas. The first set is for younger children, and the second set if for 13 and up. The park will also have new courts for tennis, basketball and pickle ball.

Water Tower Renovations

South tower renovations started mid-June, and will last most of July. We have not had as smooth a process as we hoped for, and have appreciated everyone’s patience as we have dealt with the issues. The “new” South Tower will serve our community well for many years.

Village Council

Meetings on Tuesday July 5 and Monday July 18 at Village Hall at 7pm.

Jefferson Township Board of Trustees

Meetings on July 13 and July 27 at 6:30pm in Township Hall, 225 Cemetery Rd., WJ.

WJ Board of Education

Meeting on July 11, 7pm in the WJ High School Auditorium

Planning Commission

Meeting on July 6 at 6:30pm in Council Chambers. There are no cases on the agenda.

Utility Department

*Water Bills are due on or before July 15 to avoid late charges

*Trash, recycling, and bulk pick-up will be on Tuesday, July 5. Normal service will resume on Monday, July 11.

Parks and Rec

*Pool opened on Memorial Get your pool pass and take advantage of the wonderful weather!

*The Second Friday Night Uptown for 2022 is July 15 from 6-10pm, with food trucks and great music from Pandora Effect! This event will also have inflatables, many local vendors and a chance to Dunk the Mayor!

*Lunch and Learn is on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 6-August 11, 11:30am-1:00pm at the Community Center.


Check the website for weekly activities and programs.

Shred-it Day

A mobile shredding truck will be at the Community Center on July 23 from 9am-noon. Free!


© 2023 The Village of West Jefferson

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