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Mayors Message

Summertime is upon us! Be sure you check the Parks and Rec Facebook page, and the Village Facebook page or the Village app for updates on all the great activities we have scheduled for our community. In July, we hope to have our new electronic sign up and running as well, and that will be another information site.

The free Village of West Jefferson Ohio app is much more than a convenient way to get your questions answered. It is a vital part of our emergency response plan for the Village. It gives us the ability to notify all the residents about water main breaks, weather emergencies and other important information, besides being a valuable resource for you on Village happenings and how-to’s.

A powerful part of the app is the Police Department section. There you can submit tips, look up inmates and arrests, and access forms, among other things. There is another section about Village Departments, and a third section for the Mayor’s office, with many community outreach contacts and FAQ’s, as well as a monthly message, copies of the newsletter and more in-depth information about upcoming events.

I encourage you to add this free app, available at Google Play or the Apple App Store to your phone, and let us know what you like or would like to see added. Have a great month!

Ribbon Cutting for Garrette Park Coming Soon!

The ribbon cutting for Garrette Park is coming soon! Although the park is open and mostly accessible, some additional changes are coming this summer. Mayor Martin is working with Events Coordinator Shelton Stanley to have a community celebration when all the work is completed.

Last month, the WJ football team joined the Village Public Service employees to landscape around the playground, doing a fantastic job of digging and planting. The roses are now blooming, and looking great!

The last piece of equipment to be installed will be a gravity rail, which should be in this

month. We will be getting new topsoil prior to seeding and mulching, and then some new fencing will be installed. The final component is to get the rubber surface installation completed. Luckily, the park is open for use while all these things are being done.

Westwood Park Remodel Continues

Park updates continue, and this year’s focus is Westwood Park. Westwood, with it’s cracked tennis courts, and mid-20th century playground equipment, is getting a major make-over.

The tennis courts have been removed, and the drains are being installed. The new court system will allow games of tennis, pickleball and basketball to be played on multi-use courts.

The old playground equipment will be removed by the Madison County Department of Developmental Disabilities, and will be cleaned up and reinstalled at their facility for another generation of users.

The new playground equipment will have different groupings, for different age groups. In additional to the traditional swings and other equipment for younger kids, there will be an area specifically geared to ages 13+ with “Fit Core” equipment, similar to that seen on the popular “Ninja Warrior” shows. All these improvements are more steps towards making our Village parks more inclusionary, not just with ability levels, but age and size levels as well.

Lunch and Learn 2022

Thanks to a generous donation from Battelle, the Village is able to offer Lunch and Learn again this summer. Lunch and Learn is held at the Community Center on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from June 6- August 11. Kids and their caretakers are treated to a nutritious lunch and a great activity each L&L day, all for free. This summer’s activities include lots of hands-on science, opportunities to meet the First Responders of West Jefferson, Mad Cap Puppet Shows, live animal presentations, and much, much more! The program is for all kids up to age 18, but is geared towards ages 5-12. Older youth are encouraged to volunteer and get their service hours for High School.

What’s Happening

Village Council

Meetings on June 6 and June 20 at Village Hall at 7pm.

Jefferson Township Board of Trustees

Meetings on June 1, June 15 and June 29 at 6:30pm in Township Hall, 225 Cemetery Rd., WJ.

WJ Board of Education

Meeting on June 13, 7pm in the WJ High School Auditorium

Planning Commission

Meeting on June 8 at 6:30pm in Council Chambers. There are no cases on the agenda.

Utility Department

Water Bills are due on or before June 15 to avoid late charges. Remember, we do have an auto pay program. Call 614 879-8655 for more information.

Parks and Rec

*Pool opened on Memorial Get your pool pass and take advantage of the wonderful weather!

*The first Friday Night Uptown for 2022 is June 10 from 6-10pm, with food trucks and great music from Lee Gantt and “Elvis”! This event will also have inflatables and other kid-friendly activities.

*Summer movie night is June 24; free dinner and snacks!

*Fishing Derbies at Krazy Glue, 1450 W. Main St. are on June 11 from 5-7pm and June 19 from 10am-noon.

*Daddy/daughter dance, “Butterfly Kisses” is on June 18 from 6-8pm at the Community Center

*Lunch and Learn is on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 6-August 11, 11:30am-1:00pm at the Community Center.


Check the website for weekly activities and programs.


© 2023 The Village of West Jefferson

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