Many of us have heard the rhymes concerning red roses or given them out to the people we love. With the over use of roses and the children's poem "Roses are Red" they have become cliché.
Above in the picture is a red rose on top of a grave stone. The red rose is symbolic for things that stretch beyond love, namely, strength, respect, and devotion … including love.
Today, Jefferson Township Fire Department will remember the love, strength, respect, and devotion of a fallen brother, Fireman Tommy Rees, and his family.
Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 11:00AM: Church Funeral Service at Cypress Christian Church. Procession anticipated to depart between 11:30 Am and 11:45AM. FF Rees will be transported in coffin on top of a JTFD Fire Engine to the Pleasant Hill Cemetery, escorted by West Jefferson Police Department, Columbus Police Department Motorcycle Unit, Ohio State Patrol Motorcycle Unit, Ohio State Patrol, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, and the Madison County Sheriff’s Office.
There is nothing cliché about remembering this man's strength, respect, devotion, and love through love.