We have a couple of events to put on your calendar this month. As always, taxes are due on April 15. This year that is a Monday, and the Village Tax office will be open on Saturday, April 13 from 8 am-noon for anyone who needs some Saturday assistance. We will close on April 15th at our normal 4:30 pm time.
The other big event this April is the Great American Solar Eclipse that will be the afternoon of Monday, April 8th. For our area, this is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and we won’t have a total eclipse so close again until 2099! Most of us aren’t going to be around for that one, so enjoy the one this year. Because of our location, with US-40 running through town, and I-70 next door, we can all expect LOTS of additional traffic that day, particularly after the eclipse is over and EVERYONE tries to go home at the same time. Save yourself a headache and some frustration and leave your car at home and walk to a good viewing site near your home at one of our parks, or another open area. Work from home that day, if you can, and, as much as possible, stay off the main roads. If you have to drive, plan ahead and have a full tank of gas, and plan on the trip possibly taking much longer than usual. West Jefferson will experience over 99% totality, and you will need solar glasses to safely view the eclipse. Our police and street crews will be on hand for any local emergencies and will be watching out for our community. Experts expect over 500,000 visitors to the main viewing areas in Ohio, and they all have to go home afterwards. Stay out of the traffic, if you can, and enjoy the eclipse!
You may use also this tool: licenseplatelookup.org to get history of any car before making purchase.